Flinders Uni Computer Society

Flinders Uni Computer Society

FUCS is a student club for all things computing at Flinders! Membership is free & open to all — we're non-profit, student-run, and there's no need for you to be studying IT :)

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The Constitution of the Flinders University Computer Society

Table of Contents
1. Preliminary 2
2. The Club 2
3. General Meetings 3
4. Annual General Meetings 3
5. Meeting Procedures 4
6. The Executive 5
7. Annual Elections 6
8. Casual Vacancies 7
9. Finances 8
10. Dissolution 9
11. Miscellaneous 9

2. Preliminary
2.1. Definitions
(a) In this constitution:
‘Academic Day’ refers to any working day during a teaching week in Semester 1 or Semester 2 as specified by Flinders University.
‘Annual Review’ refers to the process of providing documentation to the Flinders University Student Association once per calendar year to review the club’s compliance of its obligations in accordance with relevant regulations and policies.
‘Casual Vacancy’ is a vacancy which occurs during the prescribed term of office which occurs at a time other than the annual elections.
‘Current Student’ means any enrolled student of Flinders University, whether that person is enrolled as a full time, part time or external student.
‘General Secretary’ means the General Secretary of the Flinders University Student Association.
‘Returning Officer’ refers to a person who is responsible for overseeing the administration and conduct of an election. The returning officer must:
a) Be impartial and independent of mind; and
b) Not be a nominee for any position which they are overseeing.
‘Executive’ refers to the core club roles defined by section 6.2
‘Nominated Board’ refers to additional club roles defined by the executive on an as-needed basis
‘Member Protection Policy’ refers to a separate document detailing member and club-management conduct and regulations along with procedures for handling complaints.
‘Combined Board’ refers to the combined members of the
Executive and Nominated Board.
3. The Club
3.1. Club Name
(a) This club shall be known as the Flinders University Computer Society
3.2. Aims and Objectives
(a) The Aims and Objectives of the club are:
➢ To engage, represent, and support students studying computing or information technology.
➢ To introduce students from other fields to these subjects.
➢ To build a society of students who are computer enthusiasts, including those not formally studying computer science and information technology.
➢ To establish chances for students to connect with industry professionals.
➢ To provide members with the opportunity to take part in technology related projects on a research or volunteer basis.
➢ To ensure opportunities are provided to a diverse membership, regardless of gender/culture/disability/sexuality, and including undergraduates, postgraduates, researchers, and international/distance-education students wherever practical.
3.3. Not for Profit
(a) The club shall operate on a not-for-profit basis.
(b) The assets and income of the club shall be applied solely to further its objectives and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the organisation except as genuine compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the organisation.
3.4. Affiliation
(a) The club is affiliated to the Flinders University Student Association.
3.5. Membership
(a) Membership is open to:
(i) Current students; and
(ii) All others at the discretion of the club.
(b) Membership must consist of at least 50% current students and a minimum of ten current students.
(c) Members, Executives, and Board members are bound by the club’s Member Protection Policy and must follow the conduct and regulations outlined therein.
4. General Meetings
4.1. Calling a General Meeting
(a) The meeting within reason shall be called at a time and place convenient to the members of the club.
(b) The meeting within reason shall include the option of digital participation.
(c) The meeting may be requested by either of the following:
(i) The club Executive.
(ii) Five members of the club, or 10% of the total membership of the club, whichever is the higher amount.
(d) Meeting requests are directed to the Secretary, and when requested the Secretary must call the meeting.
(i) If unable to do so, the Secretary may appoint another Executive to call the meeting.
(ii) If the Secretary does not respond to the request within one week, then the President or Vice President may appoint another Executive to call the meeting.
(iii) If the Secretary does not respond to the request within four weeks, then a request may be made directly to the FUSA General Secretary, who will call the meeting.
4.2. Purpose of a General Meeting
(a) General Meetings shall be convened for any of the following purposes:
(i) Planning of events;
(ii) Removal of office bearers;
(iii) To make changes to the constitution of the club;
(iv) To fill any available executive roles;
(v) To overrule any decisions made by the executive of the Club; or,
(vi) The expulsion of a member or members of the club in accordance with the Flinders University Student Association’s Clubs, Collectives and Academic Association’s Regulations.
4.3. Quorum of a General Meeting
(a) Quorum at a General Meeting shall be five members or ten members if the club’s total membership exceeds 100 members.
(b) Upon failure to reach quorum one hour after the scheduled commencement time, the meeting shall lapse, and a new meeting must be scheduled.
(c) Members can nominate a proxy vote, sending another member to act as them for the meeting and have this other member vote on their behalf through submitting a form prior to the AGM.
4.4. Notice of a General Meeting
(a) Notice of a General Meeting shall be given to the members of the club and the Flinders University Student Association at least one week before the set date.
(b) The notice must contain an agenda which outlines items to be considered at the meeting.
5. Annual General Meetings
5.1. Calling an Annual General Meeting
(a) An Annual General Meeting must be held once per year ideally during the semester on an Academic Day.
(b) Annual General Meetings must be called by a member of The Executive at the request of the executive.
(c) Annual General Meetings must be called by a member of The Executive at the request of five members, or 10% of the total membership of the club, whichever is the higher amount.
(i) If The Executive does not respond to the request within four weeks a request may be made directly to the General Secretary who will call the meeting.
5.2. Business to be considered at the Annual General Meeting
(a) The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting and any subsequent general meetings; and
(b) Financial statements detailing the club’s finances since the previous Annual General Meeting; and
(c) Annual reports of the current members of the executive; and
(d) Election of the new members of the executive; and
(e) Invitation for new board members; and
(f) Change of signatories to the club bank account to reflect newly elected members of the executive.
(i) The minutes for these changes should contain:
(A) A motion to remove the current signatories
(I) This must include the full legal names and executive positions of all current signatories
(B) A motion to add the new signatories
(I) This must include the full legal names and executive positions of all new signatories
(C) A motion to allow online banking access for all of the new signatories
(ii) Mentions of the clubs banking account must explicitly reference:
(A) The name of the bank the account is held with (e.g. NAB)
(B) The name of the account type e.g. (NAB Community Saver Account)
(iii) The motion must be explicitly:
(A) Moved
(B) Seconded
(C) Passed
(iv) Votes for versus against the motion must be recorded.
(g) Any changes to the constitution of the club which have conformed to the notice requirements in section 11.7 of this constitution; and
(h) Any other business.
5.3. Quorum of the Annual General Meeting
(a) Quorum at an Annual General Meeting shall be five members or ten members if the club’s total membership exceeds 100 members.
(b) Upon failure to reach quorum one hour after the scheduled commencement time, the meeting shall lapse, and a new meeting must be scheduled.
(c) Members can nominate a proxy vote, sending another member to act as them for the meeting and have this other member vote on their behalf through submitting written notice prior to the AGM.
5.4. Notice
(a) Notice of an Annual General Meeting has the same requirements as a General Meeting.
5.5. Post-Annual General Meeting.
(a) The club will supply the Flinders University Student Association with a copy of:
(i) Annual General Meeting minutes; and
(ii) An updated membership list; and
(iii) Updated executive contacts.
6. Annual General Meeting and General Meeting Procedures
6.1. Chairing
(a) The President shall chair all meetings. If the President is absent, the Vice-President shall chair the meeting. If the President and Vice President are absent, the first order of business shall be to determine the chair.
6.2. Voting
(a) Each member present is entitled to one vote.
(i) With written notice prior to any meeting a member can nominate a representative to vote on their behalf.
(b) A vote shall pass if 50% plus one of the members present votes in favour of the item.
(c) Voting shall be by show of hands, or an accountable digital medium unless any of the voting members present request a secret ballot.
7. The Executive
7.1. Functions of the executive
(a) The functions of the executive are:
(i) Oversee the activities of the club and ensure that the club acts in accordance with the constitution; and
(ii) Administer the club’s budget and finances.
7.2. Composition
(a) The Executive Committee is comprised of:
(i) The President, who must be a current student; and
(ii) The Vice-President (optionally); and
(iii) The Secretary; and
(iv) The Treasurer; and
(v) The Education Officer
(b) The executive must consist of the higher of the below requirements:
(i) At least two current students, or;
(ii) At least 50% current students
(c) No member may hold more than one executive position of the club concurrently (excluding the Education Officer role which is permitted to be held concurrently with another Executive position).
(d) Both the President and the Treasurer are required to be available in person for ingoing and outgoing signatory changes.
7.3. Term of Office
(a) The term of office shall be from the time of appointment until the next Annual General Meeting.
7.4. Roles and Duties of the members of the Executive
(a) The duties of the President include:
(i) Coordination of club activities; and
(ii) Being chief spokesperson for the club; and
(iii) Chairing general and executive meetings; and
(iv) Acting as a signatory for the club’s budget; and
(v) Assisting, advising, and supporting all members of the club; and
(vi) Acting in lieu of other office bearers where they are unable or fail to fulfil their duties.
(vii) Acting as tie breaker in any vote.
(b) The duties of the Secretary include:
(i) The maintenance of a register of members consisting of full name, Flinders University Student ID Number (if applicable), email address, and date of registration or renewal of membership; and
(ii) The production of meeting minutes; and
(iii) The submission of the club’s Annual Review.
(c) The duties of the Treasurer include:
(i) Being responsible for all of the club’s money and to record all income received and payments made by the club; and
(ii) Keeping a register of all assets held by the club; and
(iii) Presentation of a financial report to each executive meeting; and
(iv) Presentation of a financial report to the Annual General Meeting for the last financial year and the period since the end of the last financial year; and
(v) Keeping the financial records of the club; and
(vi) Acting as a signatory for the club’s budget; and
(vii) Keeping the club’s members informed of the club’s financial situation.
(d) The duties of the Vice-President include:
(i) Assisting all other executive members in their duties.
(ii) Acting in lieu of the President where they are unable or fail to fulfil their duties.
(e) The duties of the Education Officer include:
(i) Coordinating and running the Academic Association’s education campaigns and events. In order to meet the requirements for affiliation as an academic association, the club’s events must include at least three educational or industry events per year, such as:
(A) Tutoring
(B) Study sessions
(C) Workshops
(D) Career/industry events
(E) Professional development/training
(F) Other activities to support education
(G) Liaising with student representatives on College Committees or Student Staff Consultative Committees to discuss issues of mutual interest
(ii) Working with the Treasurer to ensure usable funding (i.e. not FUSA General Funding or Pool Funding, and potentially not CSE funding) is available for tutoring events if needed; and
(iii) Ensuring affiliation as an academic association is managed successfully into the future; and
(iv) Maintaining a list of current topic coordinators in relevant disciplines; and;
(v) Liaising with academic representatives, student representatives, and topic coordinators.
(f) Parts of any of the responsibilities of any of the Executive listed above may be allocated to another member of the Combined Board.
(i) With consent in writing from both parties or;
(ii) Where the executive member is absent or underperforming consent from only the party receiving the responsibility.
7.5. Board Members
a) The Board shall be composed of club members assigned roles pertaining to assisting the club on an as-needed basis by The Executive. On the condition these roles are:
i) Defined in writing upon the creation of the role by the executive in agreement with the assigned member.
b) Any member of The Combined Board may be suspended with no prior notice in the event of reasonable accusations of a breach of our Membership Protection Policy.
c) The Board or any member of The Board may be removed at the discretion of the executive through a vote of 75% or more of The Executive.

7.6. Executive and Combined Board Meetings
(a) Informal meetings
(i) The Executive, Board, and/or any subset may meet informally as needed, possibly privately, and may invite any other parties as needed. Such meetings shall not be considered official, and so shall not, for example, pass motions, approve nominations or expulsions, and so on.
(ii) The terms ‘Executive meeting’ and ‘Board meeting’, when used elsewhere, shall always refer to the formal meetings defined in 6.6(b) and 6.6(c) respectively, not to the informal meetings discussed in this section.
(b) Formal Combined Board meetings
(i) Formal Combined Board meetings may be called by any Combined Board member.
(ii) At least five working days’ notice in writing of the date, time and place of Combined Board meetings shall be given to each Combined Board member, unless all Combined Board members agree to waive this requirement.
(iii) Combined Board meetings may include general club members by invitation from an attending Combined Board member (though the notice period is not required here).
(iv) Any visiting Club Member in attendance of the meeting is permitted one vote unless acting in accordance with 6.6(b)(v)(A)(I) or 6.6(b)(v)(C).
(A) This extends to members of The Board in their right as a Club Member
(v) Quorum for a Board meeting requires each of the following to be met:
(A) At least 75% of the members of The Executive must be present; unless:
(I) Another person is nominated in writing to vote on behalf of one of the absent members in order to make up part of the 75% of The Executive quorum.
(B) Any non-voting roles are excluded when counting the total size of the Board, but included when counting the number of members present to meet quorum.
(C) The President must be present, however they may instead nominate in writing another Board member to fill in for their role in the meeting.
(D) At least one additional Executive member must be present.
(vi) Upon failure to reach quorum at least one hour after the scheduled commencement time, the meeting may lapse at the discretion of the members present, and the Secretary or a delegate nominated by the Secretary will subsequently re-call the meeting in accordance with sections 6.6(b) and 6.6(c).
(vii) A matter decided by the Board may be overruled by a General Meeting or Annual General Meeting.
(c) Formal Executive meetings
(i) Formal Executive meetings shall only be called in extraordinary or sensitive circumstances defined at the discretion of The Executive.
(ii) Invitations to Board members or others may be included or omitted at the discretion of the Executive.
(iii) Meetings will be run under the same conditions as formal Board meetings described under 6.6(b), except that:
(A) Where quorum requires a given percentage of Board or Nominated Board members to be present, the requirement will instead be for that percentage of Executive members to be present.
8. Annual Elections
8.1. Location
(a) Elections of the executive may be held:
(i) Within a General Meeting; or
(ii) In a physical polling location prior to a General Meeting; or
(iii) Via an online election process prior to a General Meeting.
(b) The results of executive elections held outside a General Meeting must be confirmed as valid via a vote or passed motion within a General Meeting.
8.2. Timing
(a) The annual elections held by the club must be announced at least 7 days prior to the meeting at which the elections are to be held.
8.3. Returning Officer
(a) The executive must appoint a Returning Officer at least 7 days before the election. If not, the first order of business will be to determine a Returning Officer.
8.4. Nominations
(a) Nominations may be sent, in writing, to the Returning Officer, or submitted verbally or in writing during a meeting.
(b) If voting is held during a meeting, the Returning Officer must allow a final chance to nominate immediately prior to the ballot.
(c) Only current students may nominate for the position of President.
(d) Any member of the club may nominate for the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, Education Officer and Vice-President. The Executive must consist of the greater requirement of
(i) at least 2 Current Students.
(ii) At least 50% Current Students.
8.5. Ballots
(a) Elections must be conducted by secret ballot upon request by any individuals present at the meeting.
(b) The order of the names on the ballot shall be randomised by the Returning Officer.
(c) The ballot shall be conducted in a manner that the Returning Officer determines is fair and equitable for candidates and voters.
8.6. Vote Counting
(a) If the election is held in a meeting either online or in-person, each member present at the meeting at which the election is held is entitled to a single vote for each ballot. Unless acting in accordance with section 3.3c or 4.3c.
(b) The nominated member who receives the most votes in the election and who is eligible for the position shall be declared the winner of the election. In the event of a tie:
(i) A re-vote is held between the tieing parties.
(ii) If a tie still exists after 7.6(b)(i);
(A) the returning officer acts as the tie-breaker if no president is currently elected.
(B) If a president is elected the president acts as the tiebreaker in accordance with the responsibility listed in 6.4(a)(vii)
8.7. Post-Election requirements
(a) The contact details for all office bearers of the club must be given to the Flinders University Student Association within two weeks of the election.
9. Casual Vacancies
9.1. Timing
(a) The executive must notify the members of the club as soon as reasonably practicable of any casual vacancies.
9.2. Nominations
(a) Nominations for casual vacancies must be collected for a minimum of 7 days prior to decision of appointment.
(b) Nominations must be sent, in writing, to the Returning Officer, unless nominated for from the floor of a meeting.
(c) If the number of nominations is less than or equal to the number of vacancies to be filled for a position, then the person(s) nominated shall be deemed to be elected to that position if there are no objections within the Combined Board, otherwise a vote applies.
9.3. Ballots
(a) If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled for a position, a fair and appropriate voting method shall be implemented to fill the position. A secret ballot shall be held if requested by one or more members to fill the contested position.
(b) In the event of a secret ballot:
(i) The order of the names on the ballot shall be randomised by the Returning Officer.
(c) The ballot shall be conducted in a manner that the Returning Officer determines is fair and equitable for candidates and voters.
9.4. Unfilled Vacancies
(a) If no nominations are received for a non-optional casual vacancy, the executive shall reopen nominations until such a time as an eligible candidate nominates for the casual vacancy. That nominee shall be deemed to be elected to that position.
10. Finances
10.1. Bank Account
(a) The President and Treasurer must be signatories to the bank account.
(b) At least two signatories to the bank account must be current students.
10.2. Financial Year
(a) The financial year of the club shall run from 1 January to 31 December of each year.
10.3. Authorisation of expenditure
(a) Financial outlays are to be managed by the Treasurer, under the understanding that all outlays must be either:
(i) Under the value of $20, or;
(ii) An expected cost for regular pre-approved events or maintenance, or;
(iii) Under the value of $50 and approved by an Executive member in addition to the person making the transaction, or;
(iv) Approved at a General Meeting, at an Annual General Meeting, at a meeting of the club’s Combined Board, The Executive, or via written discussion of the club’s Board.
(b) Expenditure must only be authorised if it will further the aims and objectives of the club.
10.4. Banking of money
(a) The club must bank all monies received as soon as practicable.
10.5. Record keeping
(a) The club must ensure that a record is kept of all expenditure and income received. This record must specify the nature of all goods or services purchased and the name of the vendor.
(b) The club must ensure that it obtains a receipt for all purchases and safely stores a copy.
10.6. Assets
(a) All assets purchased at least in part by Flinders University Student Association’s grants remain property of the Flinders University Student Association.
11. Dissolution
11.1. Winding up
(a) The club may be wound up by a two-thirds majority of members present and voting at an Annual General Meeting or by a two-thirds majority of members present at a General Meeting convened for that purpose.
(b) If the club is wound up by its members, it must inform the Flinders University Student Association within fourteen days and present the Flinders University Student Association with a final asset register and bank account statement.
11.2. Distribution of Assets
(a) In the event of the club being dissolved, the amount (of funds provided by the Flinders University Student Association) that remains after such dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be transferred to the Flinders University Student Association which is not carried on for the profit or gain of its individual members.
(b) In the event of the club being disaffiliated with the Flinders University Student Association all monies given by the Flinders University Student Association to the club, and assets purchased with the Flinders University Student Association funds, shall be returned to the Flinders University Student Association.
(c) Funds & assets provided by the Flinders University college of science and engineering will similarly be returned to the Flinders University college of science and engineering in the event the club is dissolved or loses Academic Association status.
(d) Assets/funds provided jointly by the Flinders University Student Association & the Flinders University college of science and engineering will be negotiated as appropriate.
(e) Assets/funds donated from other sources may be returned to those sources if practical, following prior written approval by the Flinders University Student Association. Otherwise, they will be returned to the Flinders University Student Association, unless negotiated otherwise with the Flinders University Student Association (while ensuring the club remains strictly not-for-profit).
12. Miscellaneous
12.1. Annual Review
(a) To remain affiliated with the Flinders University Student Association, the club must complete and submit Annual Review information via the process specified by the Flinders University Student Association by the specified deadline each year.
12.2. Vacation of Office
(a) The Office held by an execute member becomes vacant if the executive member:
(i) Dies or is permanently incapacitated;
(ii) Ceases to be a member of the club;
(iii) Resigns from their position by notice in writing to the club;
(iv) Fails to adequately fulfil the requirements as determined by a unanimous decision at an Executive Meeting (with the concerned party abstaining).
12.3. Expulsion
(a) A motion to expel a member may be brought before a General Meeting of the club or before the Executive.
(b) The motion to expel must be accompanied with written justification and sent to the member at least 7 days notice prior to the date of the General Meeting.
(c) The member has a verbal and written right of reply to any notice of expulsion.
(d) A written right of reply must be given by the member within seven days of receiving the notice of expulsion to be included within the Agenda.
(e) The Agenda must include the motion of expulsion, written justification and any written reply by the affected member.
(f) The Agenda of the meeting at which a motion of expulsion is included must be;
(i) Sent to members and the Flinders University Student Association, at least one week prior to the General Meeting if the vote will take place at a general meeting.
(ii) Sent to The Executive, at least one week prior to the meeting at which the vote will take place.
(g) Expulsion can be immediate and unconditional if a member breaks any of the terms outlined in our Member Protection Policy. This is at the discretion of The Executives.
12.4. Discrimination
(a) A club may not discriminate against a person for any reason if that discrimination is unlawful or breaches any regulations of the Flinders University Student Association or the Flinders University of South Australia.
12.5. Bound by FUSA regulations
(a) The club is bound by all of the Flinders University Student Association’s regulations where applicable. This is not limited to the Clubs, Collectives and Academic Association Regulations. Any inconsistencies between the Flinders University Student Association’s regulations are to be determined by the Flinders University Student Association’s Student Council.
12.6. Inconsistency rule
(a) When a provision of this constitution is inconsistent with the regulations of the Flinders University Student Association, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid
12.7. Alterations to this constitution
(a) All alterations to this constitution must be approved by a two-thirds majority at a General or Annual General Meeting of the club.
(b) All alterations to this constitution must be provided in the notice of the meeting during which they are approved.
(c) All alterations to this constitution must be approved by the Flinders University Student Association before they come into effect.
(d) Alterations must be submitted to the Flinders University Student Association prior to their approval by the club or within two weeks of their approval by the club.

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